Packaging Equipment

Maynards is selling a citrus process packaging equipment line formerly operated by Bakker Belgium N.V. The private treaty sale closes on the 15th of December.

Bakker Belgium supplies fresh fruit and vegetables to supermarkets across Belgium. The company is a strategic partner of Delhaize. Bakker Belgium also operates branches in the Czech Republic and the Netherlands.

The citrus process packaging line from Sarco comprises a Tarend citrus inspection line and Manter weighing and packing equipment. The line was installed in 2020, with some component parts manufactured in 2016. The output of the line is: orange 2 kilo: 600 units/hour; lemon 500 grams: 800 units/hour; press (orange) 3 kilo: 720 units/hour and limes 500 grams: 600 units/hour. The equipment is located in Boom, Belgium.

Industrial auctioneering specialist Maynards was established in Vancouver in 1902. The firm has expertise in the liquidation, valuation and financing of industrial assets for clients across multiple industry sectors, with global reach from offices located in the United States, Canada, Germany, UK, China and Japan.