In an online auction closing on February 26th, EquipNet is to sell the recently decommissioned laboratory equipment from the Sensei Bio site in Rockville, MD focused on developing immuno-oncology therapies.
Over 150 lots are due to be sold. Key assets include: Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris 240 Mass Spectrometer with Vanquish HPLC System and IonBench, Sony MA900 Multi-Application Cell Sorter with Baker Company BCC300AMS Class II BSC, Lonza 4D-Nucleofector Electrophoresis System with X Unit and Core Unit, Meso Scale Discovery 1300 Meso QuickPlex SQ 120MM Microplate Reader, Benchmark Scientific Inc. myFuge C1012 Laboratory Centrifuge, Fisher Scientific Accumet AR15 pH Meter, Thermo Electron Corporation Precision 51221052 Waterbath, Benchmark Scientific Roto Therm Plus Incubated Rotator, Omano Stereoscope, Eppendorf 5305 Vacufuge Plus Concentrator and much more.
Global asset management expert EquipNet was established in 1999. The company now operates from 25 locations and conducts business in more than 170 countries across the world. EquipNet offers a range of services to clients across multiple industry sectors including live/webcast auctions, sealed bid sales and online auctions.
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