In an online auction closing on August 21st, Rabin is to sell assets from a Complete Thin Film Screen Printing Facility. Located in Arizona, the assets are no longer needed by […]
Auction Spotlight
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Online Auction of Food Processing Equipment, Catering and Butchery Equipment
Food Processing Equipment, Catering and Butchery Equipment is to be sold in an online auction closing on the 14th of August. The auction, held by Industrial Auctions, is located in Anzegem (BE). […]
Online Auction of Food Processing Equipment
In an online auction closing on the 13th of August, Industrial Auctions is to sell a range of food processing equipment in Eindhoven (NL). Over 1000 lots are due to go […]
Auction of Dairy Equipment from Harry Davis & Company
Harry Davis & Company is auctioning blow molding and dairy equipment formerly used in the production of cottage cheese and cultured products by Grupo LALA. The online auction will take place […]